

Friday, June 24, 2016

Session 10 - November 4 - November 9 5002 AD

Alden felt heartsick again watching the priests take little Emily away from him. It was as if he couldn't protect anyone close to him from this world. He turned away from the Cathedral side entrance and walked into the night until he found himself at Hilidi's townhouse, a reminder that his cousin was still missing. He walked in to find Maid Ava nervously tidying up and tripping over herself to apologize that the Church took Emily from her care. Alden showered and went to sleep

Brother Godfrey was more curious about the turn of events and the possibility that his biological father was imprisoned somewhere in the Cathedral. He asked around at some of the clergy he knew but they're reactions ranged from cluelessness to disbelieve that a prisoner would be housed in the Cathedral. He turned in for the night obsessed with the notion of meeting his real father in chains.

Alden woke before the dawn, unable to tend to any errands on his list. He walked down to the garage and took stock of the space, making plans for how he'd lay it out once he had money to furnish it. He did a bit of practicing in the garage, hoping to sharpen up his swordwork. As he stood in the wharf streets before dawn, cooling down, he watched the big cargo ships come in and go with no cargo being moved up or down the pier, each day the stagnant cargo piling higher in the yard.

Godfrey woke feeling no better than the night before but pulled himself out of bed through strength of will. He met his brethren for morning prayers and he took confession. The local dioces confessor wouldn't meet the requirement for his confessions as a theurgist but he still found the practice comforting and it helped him marshal his will against his troubles. He found coffee and sought out the Chartoplanx to gain access to the Cathedral's Starlight. With some assistance he reached out to the Engineer's Guild in Elibyrge posing as Doctor Sarkensen's associate to find out the status of the analysis of the piece of the Count's stage that was soaked in poison. The Engineer Fellow seemed genuinely confused and said they showed no record of a contract with the doctor and perhaps the work order was made with the Sokol branch of the Guild. Godfrey wrestled together a bowl of oatmeal and some fruit for breakfast and headed out into the Bazaar. He met with Entered Ellis at the Engineer's help counter who shared the same confusion. He knew the Doctor well and could say with certainty he hadn't spoken with him in weeks. He suggested that perhaps Doctor Sarkensen made the mistake of taking his business to the Alchemist's Cartel. While Godfrey was at the service desk he got a referral for someone to teach him the Think Machine.

Alden felt the need to get updated with his order and possibly get intel on this NLO leader that he was meeting with. This time he decided to attempt to drive only part-way to the Order's Manor and attempt to squawk them. With some work he found a high hill at the edge of the fields around Sokol city where he could get poor reception with the manor house. He was able to reach Marshal Gunther Henning Van Gelder. Gunther was no help, he had really heard nothing about any "Dragon" among the NLO but he commented it sounded suspiciously like Hironem mysticism. Gunther did say there was a big event planned at the manor early in the following week that he wanted Alden to attend if he was able and he reminded Alden that the lists for the Winter Tourney were open today and making a showing in the tournament is important to the public face of the Order.

After a disappointing search for the poison Brother Godfrey stopped by the Castle district gates hoping to get an appointment with the Tourney Council. While he waited for them to arrive he spotted his Brother Alden arriving to survey the turnout to sign up for tourney events. After waiting in line for some time entrenched with Decados scumbag knights he arrived at the business window to find out that he had already been entered in not just the courtly contests but the general entry events as well. The clerk at the desk didn't know who had paid his tickets for the events but had an envelope with his name on it containing all of his entry tickets for all 10 Tournament contests. Soon after Godfrey was admitted to speak to the council and Alden begrudgingly agreed to accompany him and wait to speak afterwards. Sitting on a bench in the hallway of the County Courts building, Sir Alden of the Blue Glove was surrounded by Decados livery and banners and and endless tour of passing Decados pages and courtiers passing him and whispering about him indiscreetly.

In the Council chambers Brother Godfrey met with the three petty Decados nobles that made up the Council, their council chambers was a multi-purpose room that likely served councils for other seasonal efforts, not unlike the work halls he used in the Cathedral. The Council had a list of concerns that mostly boiled down to them being a little panicky that the Bishop was going to use her influence to make the Count's Tourney into a religious event. Godfrey assured them that the Bishop's interest was just to use a public event for good politics just like everyone else. The Council caved on most events but they were reluctant to have a child's tournament with padded weapons and three legged races because they were worried it would belittle the child's competitive rankings with steel weapons. Godfrey laid down the law and explained that the Church was funding nearly half of the Tournament this year and they'd be happy to allow the tournament council to buy-back their share if they want to dictate terms to their largest backer. The Council's snooty tone turned on a Talon and they even offered to allow the children to use the jousting green for their events. The council was very excited to find out that the Church wanted to center their theme around Lexitus and his trials, finding him the most palatable of the saints and most allied with the courtly fashion of the tournament.

While waiting for his brother, Alden struck on a smart idea. He walked down the hall to the offices of the Count's Chancellor and spoke with a court officer, a comely young Decados who was very suspicious of Alden's motives as a knight of the blue glove. Alden told the man that he saw the Count's stage was damaged by the attack at the festival and he would like to pay for the repair of the stage if he could take the damaged wood. The officer was immediately paranoid but soon became convinced that Alden was a genius for repairing the stage that served as a trauma to the Count. He told Alden he'd get an estimate for the repairs. And when Alden reminded him about the damaged wood the officer he waved his hand disinterestedly and assured Alden he'd find an opportunity to drop his name in connection with the stage repairs.

The brothers lingered outside the County Court's Hall and reflected on their recent discoveries. Alden expressed regrets that he couldn't help the Muster Sgt's sister Kimberly Hayes and reasoned that the mess at the port is his own fault to some degree. Brother Godfrey warned away his grief with a parable of the evil man in the crowd where Horace revealed that many hands do the work of a single sin but that the only man who is really culpable is the one who ignores sin in his fellow man. They speculated impatiently about the impact of this meeting with the "Dragon" but neither of them knew what to expect.

Alden parted ways with his brother for the night and swung by the Salon to see if any of his Order were wetting their beaks. Instead he found the Salon packed with Decados nobles and soldiers. Feeling armored and arrogant Alden stepped up to the bar. Alden enjoyed a tall cold glass of mango nectar while waiting for an opportunity to start a fight. Instead he overheard conspiring as the Decados angrily talked about some shared concern. "She can't get away with this, this is way out of bounds." "What recourse do we have? The Count isn't accepting any petitioners, it's almost as if she's shut him down before we can even try.." "If the Count is too cowardly we'll go to the Duchess!" "The Duchess? Do you know someone in her court? Because I can't get on her appointments.." "We need a Baron to even get in her waiting room." "What about Valasky, he's the flavor of the month.. She'll see him." "Is he even back from his honeymoon?" "What about Syrzan? Wouldn't he help us?" "Not without a heavy cost.. We're better off waiting on the young couple to return.." Eventually Alden's lingering felt suspicious and he paid and walked out, trading hard looks at one of the soldiers near the door.

Alden returned to the castle gates and met with the Chancellor's officer who told him he could rebuild the damaged stage for 16 FB. Alden passed him the coins and reminded him he would need the damaged wood. The officer shrugged and assured him he'd have a page or someone drop the damaged lumber off at his home in the next day or so.

Alden squawkered up to Sir Ben and the knights garrisoned up at Castle Hapsburg. Ben wasn't all that worried about the turn of events but confessed he was getting very bored and hoped Alden would come up and spar with him a bit. Alden drove out to visit him and drop off some tobacco and sweets and to relay news of the big Order going on next week, but he felt too tired to spar so he returned to Hildi's and slept lightly.

Brother Godfrey returned to the Cathedral and called it a night, waking fresh and early. He was surprised to see the Cathedral so quiet as he went to fetch breakfast and found almost nobody in the prayer hall for morning vespers. Travelling through the residence he found a cluster of clergymen at the end of a hall looking over the balcony at the street outside the side entrance to the Cathedral grounds. As he approached he throng he could see a swarm of Decados nobles, knights and soldiers standing in the street outside brandishing weapons and staring back at the spooked priests. Apparently they had been there since dawn and nobody knows what they're after.

Brother pushed past the nervous churchmen at the gates and walked out onto the city streets into the midst of the Decaods. Sizing up notables in the crowd. He decided to talk to Lady Szorcha Chomolnv Decados of Snopa Pass, the more powerful of the landed nobles he recognized. She was a powerfully built woman with rugged features and jet black braids. Godfrey mentally noted that her fief was the location of the attack against the roadside temple that left priests burnt in the highway.
"How can I be of assistance to House Decados today my lady?"
"We're here to see to the release of Baron Andre little priest."
"I'm afraid I've no information about his charges or disposition but I could look into that for you if you like.."
"That's no mystery, we've already spoken to the Count's men and he has no knowledge of the warrant for the Baron so we'd like him presently, in good health and good faith."
"My lady, I'm afraid I don't even know if he's within the Cathedral.."
"In that case we'd like an excuse..."
"Pardon? An excuse"
The woman stared Brother Godfrey down, tightening her grip on her high-tech saber "Yes, any excuse will do.. see if you can provide us with some excuse to take him.."
Godfrey smiled nervously "I'll look into that for you as well ma'am, good day to you.." and he backed away slowly towards the Cathedral, a little astounded by the brazen gall of these Decados.

Brother Godfrey ran for the Sancrosanct looking for the Bishop. As he approached her office doors they bowled open and Swords of Lexitus in full gear bearing arms marched out. Left behind Godfrey found the Bishop armoring up with the aid of her initiate. He launched into an explanation of what the Decados wanted and she just smiled. He pleaded with her to stop her knights before things escalated and she smiled at him patronizingly "Brother Godfrey, The Decados aren't here for a fight. They know they can't survive an attack on the Diocese politically or militarily. They're just pushing because that's how things worked before. I'm going to clear them off the streets like delinquents. They'll be sore but they'll learn a valuable lesson about thew new Diocese.. Speaking of learning lessons I'm reluctant to ask a favor of your brother but I'm afraid I need him." Godfrey wasn't sure what her angle was but he wasn't about to point out his Brother hated her. She continued to explain "Baron Andre cannot stand trial here with these shenanigans and the Swords of Lexitus cannot accompany him to Elibyrge to stand trial. I need someone of some martial bearing to guard him. Will you and your brother drive the Baron to the Church prison in Elibyrge?" Godfrey said he would ask his brother but didn't think he would accept.

Alden was up and about the Baazar looking for a map of Sekbridge when he brother squawked him and told him the Decados were about to attack the Cathedral and the Bishop was summoning him. However by the time he wound his autowagon through the streets of the Hub he found that the last of the Decados forces were being shown down the street by a mass of town guardsmen. He parked and walked into the Cathdral's rear entrance. Brother Godfrey intercepted his brother and lead up straight to the Bishop's offices to find her now being stripped of her armor without having broken a sweat. She greeted Alden with a warm smile and a averted his eyes as she was unarmored "I'm loathed to impose on you once more but I find myself once again in need of your help. Baron Andre Romonov has to be transported to the Cathedral in Elibyrge and my Order brethren cannot leave Sokol. Would you be able to serve as his guard for the transfer? I of course can compensate you." Alden sneered at her "I'm not a mercenary.." "No!.." she responded raising her hands in surrender "I meant to offense to your good name Sir Alden. As you were already coming along I thought it would be an imposition to expect you to take on responsibilities outside your normal obligations." Alden was perplexed but kept his composure "I wasn't aware I was travelling with the Baron, am I late to be informed?" The Bishop flashed an embarrassed smile "I'm so sorry Sir Alden, I just presumed you'd be making the trip with your young ward Emily as she's travelling with the Baron and vulnerable to whatever schemes House Decados chooses to launch.." Alden gritted his teeth "It seems I am going to be along for the trip, thank you for your kind offer of compensation but it won't be necessary.. Have the prisoner readied and I'll fetch my Autowagon if you'll grant me my leave." The Bishop smiled and shook her head "There will be no need, the convoy will depart tomorrow morning. I'll arrange for a room for you for the night.." Alden stood by the door of her office and shook his head "There's no sense in that, quietly ready the prisoner, we'll leave through the back and be in Elibyrge before the Decados finish their breakfast.." Bishop Asha stared at Alden with a single raised brow, calculating at him silently for a moment before responding "Brilliant.." she turned to her initiate "Tilly, arrange for provisions and paperwork for these men, I'll see to the Baron personally.." and she marched out of her own office, leaving the brothers unsure if this was a win or a loss.

Ten minutes later Alden was parking his autowagon at the rear of the Cathedral and two Swords of Lexitus knights loaded a hooded figure in shackles into the wagon's flatbed. A white jacketed initiate climbed into the back as well carrying a box of provisions. The young boy introduced himself as Initiate Gans, a cheerful enough lad. Brother Godfrey tried to encourage the youth to stay behind but he insisted that the Bishop herself assigned him to this expedition. So onward they rolled. Their first stop was at Uzilo's workshop but the hironem was in the middle of cooking a batch and couldn't leave it alone so they drove onto The Causeway and into the night.  Once out of town they pulled the hood back from their captive and were actually surprised to find that they had the real Baron Andre. A few minutes outside of Sokol City they got a squawk from Uzilo "A pair of white autocoaches just followed you onto The Causeway. I'd be ready for trouble on the road,"

The brothers stopped briefly at the border crossing into Elibyrge, nervously waiting as their vehicle was searched. Upon seeing prisoner transfer papers they were quickly waved through the checkpoint. As they were driving out a pair of white autocoaches with Decados livery pulled in behind them. They caught sight of the headlights in the tunnels under the mountain and saw them in the distance briefly when they stopped to change out fuel cells but the horsepower of their autowagon was too much for the Decados to catch. When the sun rose there was no sign of the Decados behind them.

Whenever Godfrey wasn't driving he was making pointed conversation with Baron Andre asking him about his crimes, most of which were met with glowers and annoyed stares. Finally Godfrey asked him if he reads and he boasted "Constantly, it's one of the many prizes of being a man of immense power, time and wealth enough to read as I like.." "Have you read anything good recently?" Godfrey asked, positioning himself to hand his birth father a copy of one of his books to read during his imprisonment. "A friend of mine recommended a series of books about a priest, fictions, not biographies, I doubt you would have heard of them." "Oh really? what are they about?" "They're called the Calder Mysteries, about a priest who solves crimes with the breadth of his knowledge.." Brother Godfrey smiles and opened his writing kit "Would you like to read the next unpublished manuscript?" Andre smiled smugly "Well I suppose I have some time.." he accepted the bound manuscript and began flipping though it engrossedly, waving off interruptions until he was substantially into the book "It wasn't the father.. everyone would expect the father.." Godfrey exhausted by his own game just came out with it "Baron Andre, I am your son through Alica Decados.." Andre looked up from the book drolly "Allustraude, I'm one of the most powerful men in Sokol County, do you really imagine I don't know everything about my own son?"

Through the rest of the journey Brother Godfrey and Baron Andre talked candidly. Immediately Baron Andre denied involvement in the burning of the temple in Sarsbourg, but oddly stated that he did nothing to stop it. When asked who did burn down the church Andre pointed out to Brother Godfrey that he was there and likely saw more. Andre asked if he encountered any of the Sword of Lexitus that night then further guessed that Lady Miren's explanation for why she was in Sarsbourg in the middle of the night didn't pan out and Godfrey had to admit that he hadn't heard anything about her in Sarsbourg after she left in pursuit of Harden Peak's militiamen. Godfrey pointed out that Andre did send his men into Sarsbourg and the Baron denied it, but again said he did nothing to stop it. Godfrey guessed correctly that Andre's son Luger ordered the raid and the Baron admitted that he disliked Braam Lindscroft VanGelder intensely and would have benefited from a few dozen steers going to slaughter at the beginning of winter, but he had nothing to gain from burning down an Orthodox Temple. Brother Godfrey asked who the Baron imagines burned down the Church and he explained that there are three people who stand to gain the most from his incarceration. Baroness Eldana Hapsburg VanGelder who has been his longtime rival, the Bishop, who's political aims for Sokol conflict with his financial prerogatives, and Leutennant Bossman the Port Boss who may believe that he can exploit Andre's son Luger. Alden commented that the Muster are too busy doing nothing to set him up and Andre laughed that off. Alden further explained that the Port had been locked up because Luukas Hendle VanGelder was too cheap to pay a 1500FB ransom for the sister of the Muster he had kidnapped. Andre eyed Alden and asked him "Do you really think a Muster Sgt can closed down a 2000FB per day contract over a 1500FB ransom that could have been avoided by hiring a 1000FB hit team to get the kidnapped girl back? The closure of the port isn't about a kidnapping and not likely about whatever else they say it's about." Alden chuffed at Andre's know-it-all attitude "Why would they give up that stream of firebirds then?" Andre smiled a Decados smile "It's a wedge, a wedge to create a gap between the hands of the powerful and either money or power and it will be followed by a grab.." Alden mulled the idea over "Then who''s hand and which are they going to grab?" Andre laughed "I'm a man in irons racing towards my jail cell, If I were you I'd ask my son, he writes mystery novels.."

The brothers and Andre arrived in the late evening after driving through the night. Elibyrge city was a confusing brightly lit labyrinth of ramps and tunnels that led through the massive pylons that created the plateaus of the main city. The eventually found the way to the Cathedral's Pylon and entered the massive parking garage of the cathedral where they were greeted by guards to took custody of Baron Andre. After turning over Baron Andre they met with the Deacon of residence affairs and got assigned rooms for the night before passing out.

Alden woke before the dawn and hunted around the massive residence building until he found a gymnasium. He worked out for a while while chatting with a sweaty old clergyman named Cannon Teldin. Teldin gave him directions around the pylon and spotted him through a series of exercises. Alden was hoping to get access tot he library and look into some matters and Teldin said he had a friend in the Chartoplanxy who would likely help him if he dropped his name. Alden was starved but the delicious smelling dining halls only served Orthodox Clergymen.

Brother Godfrey woke lazily and enjoyed a hot shower and ice cold tap water in his room. He got information about the Library and Agora and he roused Initiate Gans for breakfast. They ran across Alden and made plans for the day in the capitol city. First they found a robust breakfast, then they crossed the pylon to the library and with the help of Cannon Teldin's friend they did a bit of research. Brother Godfrey looked around for information about lost relics in the Valley. He found some promising starters and decided on pursuing a quest for the Vestments of Brother Barton, lost somewhere in the area of Harden Peak. Alden read a bit about the Brother Battle martial art and with his brother's help he was allowed to review a book called The art of A and B stances, an illustrated manual of Montok moves. Alden desperately wanted more time to review the text in hopes of expanding his knowledge of Montok but it was part of the reserves, so Godfrey filled a request to have the book transferred to the Cathedral in Sokol where the Chartoplanx might be more amenable to letting the book out.

The trio caught a rail-train across the city to the Agora Pylon and pushed through the crowds of shoppers and merchants. Both brothers had shopped in the Agora before but initiate Gans was pie eyed. Godfrey picked up a book on Understanding Ur-tech. Initiate Gans went wild spending money in shop after shop, buying chocolates and alcohol and stockings, much to the brother's amusement. At the end of the long day they rode the rail-train back, mounted up with Gans's dozens of shopping bags and began the long uneventful drive home.

It was early in the afternoon as they all pulled into Sokol City once more. Brother Godfrey returned to the Cathedral to be reimbursed for fuel and other miscellaneous expenses, but when he presented his receipts to the Calderer the elderly cannon explained that all of the trips expenses should have been taken from the per-diem. Godfrey explained that there was no per-deim provided but the Calderer gave him a dubious look and explained that he counted each firebird and placed the purse in the provisioning crate personally, if Brother Godfrey lost the coins on his trip there was no help he could offer him. Godfrey immediately realized that no initiate could have afforded the shopping trip Gans had gone on but the boy had disappeared along with his armfuls of shopping bags.

Alden returned to his garage hoping to find a neatly stacked pile of poisoned lumber in front of the door. Instead he found a hand written note from Lady Sylvia Romonov Decados telling him that they need to talk and he should come by her office. Alden was exhausted from the long drive but his sense of  Chivalry wouldn't let him rest. He drove back across town tot he Castle District and walked into the offices of the Mantis League. As soon as he arrived Sylvia rose from her desk with a sneer "You've a lot of nerve showing your face here after what you've done.." in his tired state her words instantly confused him. She raises her hand at him "Don't bother with your excuses. I think we both know I deserve better than that.. We are ended Alden Hendle VanGelder.. I'll send a boy by with your belongings so you won't need to darken my door again.." Alden was still stunned, not sure where any of this was coming from, but a dismissive wave of her angry fingers sent him staggering from the office and he stormed out to his Autowagon equal parts angry and confused.

Returning to his garage he found a Court Page waiting with a bundle of things that didn't look like his belongings. He was about to send the boy away with the bundle but curiosity got the better of him and he took the bundle inside. He found a ridiculous blouse that didn't look like it was his size, and an old bathing towel that was wrapped around a broken plank that looked as if it's finish had been stripped away by some kind of acid and a handwritten note card that red "Careful"

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